Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!!

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Review of "Last Temptation" by Michelle Stimpson

Michelle Stimpson's latest novel Last Temptation is definitely a page-turner and one to have on your bookshelf. The story of Patricia "Peaches" Miller is told in such a way that you think you're talking to your best friend and catching up on what's going on or happened in her life. Peaches, as she is affectionately called, is a 35 year old single mom, with a MBA, great job, nice car, condo and a strong-black-independent woman attitude. She's finally engaged to a handsome man, Quinn, whom she met at her church singles ministry bible study and has become wonderful father figure to her 8 year old son Eric. Everything is going great in her world until Quinn accepts a job in Philadelphia before discussing it with Peaches,considering that she, her family, and friends all live in Dallas,Texas. Of course, Peaches finds every excuse and reason to not move to Philly with her new fiance', one of them being that her son's father, Raphael, is stepping up to the plate and developing a relationship with their son Eric. However, Quinn has his reasons as to why she and Eric should move to with him, but Peaches is too fearful and has a thousand "what-ifs". Best friend LaShondra and Peaches' mom try to convince her that its the right decision to move with a man who is all she could dream of but the one person she didn't ask was the Lord.

Without praying about this situation Peaches life becomes a roller coaster. She loses her job after having to fire other employees to down size. Rekindles a relationship with her son's father that turns out to be the worst decision she could have made. Almost loses her best friend and son. Get's into a fight with her miserably married friend, Deniessa ,and goes to jail. Last but not least, finds herself in the midst of a cult after running into an old high-school friend, who is going through a rough period in her life as well.

This book definitely shows you what will happen when you don't consult with God first before making decisions and trying to do it on your own. It reminds you that God will show you who God is. Michelle definitely puts these things in perspective while including current issues such as the economy in this novel. I give this book 5 Stars!! This is definitely one to buy and I look forward to it being adapted into a movie.

~Peace and Blessings~


Thursday, November 4, 2010

"Last Temptation" Blog Tour with Michelle Stimpson

Listen here for an Excerpt of "Last Temptation"

Last Tempatation Book Giveaway!

Make sure to post comments! One lucky winner will be chosen based on comments!

About the Book
Patricia “Peaches” Miller finally has the man and the ring she always wanted, but she’s not quite ready to turn in her Independent-Woman-Card to follow her follow her future husband’s dreams. When her ex suddenly becomes re-interested in her, Peaches wonders if she owes it to her son to give his father one more chance. But this last temptation hurls Peaches down a dangerous road that tests her relationships, her faith, and even her sanity. Can sin ever have a silver lining?

You’ll love revisiting the main characters from Michelle’s highly acclaimed debut novel, Boaz Brown, in this long-awaited story of rebellion and redemption.

About the Author
Michelle Stimpson is an author, a speaker, and an educator who received her Bachelor of Science degree from Jarvis Christian College in 1994. She earned a Master’s in Curriculum and Instruction from the University of Texas at Arlington in 2002. She has had the pleasure of teaching elementary, middle, and high school as well as training adults.

In addition to her work in the field of education, Michelle ministers through writing and public speaking. Her works include Boaz Brown, Breaking Bondage to Biscuits, Divas of Damascus Road (National Bestseller), The Good Stuff, Trouble In My Way, and the upcoming release, Last Temptation. She has written and published over 40 short stories through her educational publishing company at She also ministers to women through her online newsletter:

Michelle lives near Dallas with her husband and their two teenage children. She is active in the Creative Tyme Ministry at her home church, Oak Cliff Bible Fellowship. Visit Michelle online at

For More Information

• Visit the author online at
• View the blog tour schedule at

Monday, November 1, 2010

Review for "Single and Saved" by Shelia Copeland

Shelia Copeland really outdid herself when she wrote Saved and Single. An exhilarating story that follows the life of a thirty-two-year-old virgin named Tiffany and the counterparts within her life. Tiffany is a wedding planner who is saved and has been waiting patiently for God to send her the right husband for quite some time. When presented with the opportunity to plan her crush, Myles’s, wedding Tiffany accepts and gets to know her crush a little better. The story opens on the day of Myles’s wedding, however, his bride, a super star actress named Melody gets cold feet and jilts her super fine fiancé at the altar. Tiffany sees this opportunity as being a sign from God. As if God was telling her that she was meant to be with Myles and not the superficial non-Christian woman he was about to marry. Just when things were about to go somewhere between Tiffany and Myles, Melody pops back in to picture and Tiffany is left high and dry by her dream man.

Tiffany’s sister Shay is her complete opposite. A mother of three, Shay is definitely a thrill seeker when it comes to meeting new people (mainly men). She lives with her unemployed boyfriend/babies daddy of 10 years in a very nice neighborhood. Shay is ready to move on to find a new relationship with a man who is romantic, fit, and more importantly has a job, but she can’t seem to let go of the father of her three kids. Flirtatious with every other man except her own, Shay finds comfort in an online dating site where she uses her sister’s picture as her own to find true love.

Deborah is Tiffany’s best friend from college. The two of them have been together through thick and thin. A devout Christian just like Tiffany, Deborah has been waiting for God to send her husband to her as well. As a successful lawyer she is the epitome of what an independent woman should look like. She’s beautiful, stylish, and quick to tell anyone in public that she does not need a man to define her worth. She is known for quoting the phrase, “The devil is a liar” as her motto for any given situation. However, in private Deborah is secretly a tease, very lonely, and desperate to find a husband. When her much younger assistant turns up engaged to her boss at the company’s annual Christmas party, Deborah is more determined than ever to help rush God in the process of sending her a man.

On the day of Myles’s wedding someone left flyers on the cars outside promoting a new website, It was a Christian website popular in helping other saved single Christians connect and find love. After church one Sunday Tiffany, Deborah, and Myles met up at Shay’s house for Sunday dinner. During dessert Deborah decided it would be fun to sign everyone up for the saved and single website, but Tiffany thought it would be best for her to wait on God.Ultimately, each person got what they wanted or deserved the most. Deborah found her Mr. Right through the website. He was successful, rich, fine, and he loved his mother dearly. Unfortunately, he was hiding a terrible secret that Deborah quickly found to be too much to handle. This example teaches individuals to wait until you know your spouse fully before jumping the broom and getting married. It also shows the importance of waiting on God to do what He does and not interfere. If we do, He’ll back off and let the cards fall where they may.

Myles ended up reconciling with his ex-fiancé and struggling to find happiness again. He was too concerned with the outer appearance and physical aspects of a relationship to see him and Melody were not compatible. Instead, his focus should have been on his partner’s relationship with God. The lesson learned here: no matter how bad it may seem a marriage is forever and if a spouse wants to remain in the marriage it is up to both parties to make it work. You can’t decide that you want out after you’ve gotten married and finally see that the other person is not the one for you. Pay attention in the beginning to all of the small details.Shay thought she found what she was looking for on the website; someone better than her long-term partner Norm, who had a job, and who was super romantic. Everything Norm wasn’t. After kicking Norm out of their home, she made some life changes regarding her health and even lost weight. However, she soon learned how much Norm really meant to her family, mainly because the kids prayed for their dad to come back home. On top of that, her internet love turned out to be a sham, therefore, left with no one to call her boo while on the saved and single cruise Shay found God.Tiffany, ironically enough, connected with her love while on the saved and single cruise; despite the fact that she did not want to take part in the internet dating site. After what seemed like one failed attempt at love, Tiffany was ready to make herself known to her destiny. What at first seemed like a cat and mouse chase without a happy ending; persistence, patience, and forgiveness soon rendered Tiffany as the winner in the story. She held on and waited for God to do what He said He will do.

Overall, this book taught me that sometimes you have to take a chance on love, however, if those steps are not ordered by God don’t continue to pursue it. Patience is truly a virtue, and often time’s real love is already staring you right in the face. It shouldn’t take a website or misconstrued perceptions about individuals and his or her profiles to teach us these lessons.I thoroughly enjoyed this book, and it left me wanting to know more about what happens between Deborah and her bisexual husband. How she deals with his issues and whether or not she is willing to look past his faults and see his need. If Myles will eventually love his wife the way he once loved her before she left him standing at the altar, if Shay is finally happy with her happy ending and new found love for Christ, and if Tiffany can say that it (the wait) was worth it all.

Nicole Duff

Proverbs 31 gives this book 4 stars.

Friday, October 29, 2010

She Died by Kim Brooks

That ole' two faced, back-bitin' fake chick who would
smile in your face and talk about you behind your back
in a heartbeat.

She hated Mondays and looked forward to
Fridays as gettin' ready for the weekend
to get her club and her drink on.

That girl had no problem screwin' every Tom, Dick
and Scary, as long as he was bringin' it - most times
in the form of next month's rent or car payment.

This chick had no problem smokin' and sexin' on
Saturday night, then going to church, lifting up
sin-smeared hands then praising the Lord
on Sunday morning.

She often would lie to make herself look good
in front of others, to further her own agenda, or
simply because she could and get away
with it.

She'd drop a dollar in the offering
bucket every time it came around, while saying
to herself, "God know my heart. He know I ain't
got no money!"

You see, I had to take care of that chick.

Right around the corner in the alley of Detroit.

I had to set her down; she lifted up her hands
alright, right in front of me, then cried out with
a loud voice as passersby heard and looked

They all witnessed the day that she died.

You see, I didn't kill her. I didn't have to.

She killed herself.

The old man.

Or shall I say the old woman.

She had to go.

Besides, after the long heartfelt talk we had
in the alley, I discovered she was sick of being fake,
and she had it up to here with lying to herself
and to her God.

So she took herself out of her own misery, and
put herself in the grave. But you know what, she's
still here.


She looks the same, she even sounds
the same, but on the inside, she's changed.

She doesn't lie anymore, she doesn't cheat
anymore, and she's abstinent now 'til marriage.

She loves God with all her heart, mind, body, soul
and strength. Like the song says, she's 'surrendered
all' - everything, she's given it all to God and told
Him to take control.

So now everytime I see her, she has this big smile on
her face.

With renewed hope and joy in her heart,
she now often shares a kind word, a prayer, or
even a few extra dollars in my hand.

I like this new chick, or shall I see this beautiful
woman of God, my renewed sister in Christ
who has blossomed and is becoming all God
predestined her to be in the first place... even before
the foundation of the world.

Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature:
old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.
2 Corinthians 5:17

Kim Brooks is the Black Expressions Bestselling author of several books including her newest advice book for singles, How To Date and Stay Saved, The Little Black Survival Book for Single Saints, and Christian Fiction novels, He's Fine...But is He Saved? and its sequel, He's Saved...But is He For Real? To read more about her books and ministry, visit and to read free excerpts from her newest book, visit

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Raising Awareness: The Little Red Mini-A Conversation on Dating Violence

Our very own Nicole Duff performed in a mini-play hosted by the Delta Theta Sorority Omicron Mu Chapter at Auburn University Montgomery on October 5th. Nicole portrayed a confident and stylist college student who was head over hills for a popular guy on campus and was determined to him make "her man". After accomplishing her mission of being his new girlfriend, she discovers that he's more than she bargained for. During the course of they're relationship he begins to physically, mentally, and emotionally abuse her. Although hearing about his violent behavior in previous relationships, she ignores them. She becomes withdrawn from family and friends and even her physical appearance changes. Her boyfriend becomes so controlling that he tells her if he can't have her no one will and she comes to her death due this unhealthy relationships. The play ends with the Grim Reaper taking her away. Nicole's performance, although at times had some satire, untimately hit its mark and that was to raise awareness about domestic violence. Representatives from the Family Sunshine Center were in attendance and spoke about the warning signs of dating violence and ways to get out of these situations. Brochures, pamphlets and posters where also available to those in attendance to help spread awareness on dating violence. The mini-play is set to be performed at other venues in the near future.

Nicole we can't express how proud we are you for helping to spread awareness on domestic violence in such a creative way that will and has helped many people and we look forward to many more performances from you!

If you are or someone you know is being abused and you're in the Montgomery Tri-County Area contact The Family Sunshine Center at 24-Hour Crisis Line: 1-800-650-6522 (AL) or 334-263-0218 (collect calls accepted)

Friday, October 1, 2010

October is Breast Cancer Awareness and Domestic Violence Awareness Month

Every two minutes a woman is diagnosed with breast cancer. And one in four women will experience domestic violence in her lifetime. These are two social issues that women are faced with everyday. To make sure that women stay health physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually, here are some tips on ways to attack these issues that are taking us out.

*Limit alcohol. A link exists between alcohol consumption and breast cancer.
*Maintain a healthy weight.
*Stay physically active.
*Consider limiting fat in your diet
*Self Breast Exams

Warning Signs of Breast Cancer
*New lump in the breast or underarm (armpit).
*Thickening or swelling of part of the breast.
*Irritation or dimpling of breast skin.
*Redness or flaky skin in the nipple area or the breast.
*Pulling in of the nipple or pain in the nipple area.
*Nipple discharge other than breast milk, including blood.
*Any change in the size or the shape of the breast.
*Pain in any area of the breast.

To help women who don't have health insurance or can't affod to pay for mammograms go to Every time you CLICK, sponsors pay for mammograms.

There is no way to tell for sure if someone is experiencing domestic violence. Those who are battered, and those who abuse, come in all personality types. Battered women are not always passive with low self-esteem, and batterers are not always violent or hateful to their partner in front of others. Most people experiencing relationship violence do not tell others what goes on at home.

Warning Signs of Domestic Violence
*Injuries and Excuses
*Absences from Work or School
*Low Self-Esteem
*Accusations of Having Affairs
*Personality Changes
*Fear of Conflict
*Not Knowing What One Wants or How One Feels
*Blaming Others for Everything
*Aggressive or Care-taking Behavior in Children

If you or someone you know is a victim of domestice violence go to The National Domestic Violence Hotline.

Please spread the word about awareness on these issues and help save lives!!

Friday, September 24, 2010

September Book Selection: Saved and Single by Shelia Copeland

Tiffany is used to planning Los Angeles' biggest, glitzies weddings, but her own love life is pretty nonexistent. A God-fearing thirty-two-year-old virgin, Tiffany is committed to finding just the right husband to share her life with. She's had her eye on Myles, her church's sexiest, most-sought-after bachelor. But Myles's obsession with the superficial proves problematic. (In his opinion, "you can learn to love the Lord, but you can't learn to be fine.")

When flyers for a new Christian singles website are handed out after a wedding, Shay, Tiffany's younger sister, secretly posts Tiffany's profile online. Before long, Shay is using the website to get dates for herself—even though she has a boyfriend and two small children at home. Deborah, Tiffany's best friend, also gets in on the online action. She is successful, beautiful, and prides herself on her high, "Bible-centered" standards. But when Deborah meets Mr. Saved-Rich-and-Perfect online, she's not ready for his whirlwind of passion, expensive gifts...and a diamond-cluster-worth of lies.

Now, as hopes rise and fall, illusions shatter, and their personal lives are forever changed, can these three dazzling women hold on to their bond, their values—and their dreams?

About the Author

Sheila Copeland's love for the arts began at a very early age, while attending Karamu House, a nationally acclaimed performing arts center in Cleveland, Ohio. As a youngster, Copeland was an avid reader and by the age of ten had read all of the books in her local branch library. One book in particular about girls in a boarding school piqued her curiosity, and when she was 14, she received a scholarship to a private school in upstate New York. The find out more about Shelia Copeland and her books go to